Prof. Dr. Anan Sutisna

Prof. Dr. Anan Sutisna

Basic Concept Community Education, Evaluation Program, Statistics and Research Method Lecturer

Place, Date of birth
Bekasi, April 19th 1966


  • Bachelor, 1991, Faculty of Education, IKIP Jakarta.
  • Master Degree, 1999, Postgraduate Program, State University of Jakarta,
  • Doctoral Degree, 2010, Postgraduate Program, Indonesia University of Education

Member of Indonesian Community Education Association (ICEA/APENMASI)


  1. The House of Entrepreneurship Implementation as A Model of Rural Women’s Empowerment. A Case Study at Community Learning Center 2022 EAI-CCER Proceeding
  2. Building Entrepreneurial Literacy Among Villagers In Indonesia, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021 Journal Rural Society 0/10371656.2021.1895 472.)
  3. Model Pembelajaran Seumur Hidup Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi (TIK) Untuk Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pedesaan Pada PKBM, Volume 7 (1): 46-57, Mei 2020 Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JPPM)
  4. Development of Peer Tutors Media Based on Android Application to Improve Learners Independence. Page 22-26 October 9th, 2019 Proceeding ICES
  5. Impact of Learning Assistance on Improving The Pedagogic Competency of Totur, Proceeding of the International Conference of International science and teacher professional. Vol. 289 Page 96-99, 2018 Proceeding ICETEP
  6. Evaluation Study of the Small and Medium Business Assistance Program to Increase the Life of the Community Based People. Vol. 118 hal. 757-764. 2017 Proceeding, ICSET
  7. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning pada Pendidikan Keaksaraan Paket C dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Vol. 18 No.3 Desember Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan.